Super Mario Odyssey Switch (NTSC)
Super Mario Odyssey Switch (NTSC)

Super Mario Odyssey Switch (NTSC)

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AED 229.00
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In this game, explore vast 3D kingdoms filled with secrets and surprises. Mario can don different costumes and interact with the diverse environments in various ways. You can ride vehicles with HD Rumble support or even transform into Pixel Mario to explore specific areas. With the help of his new companion, Cappy, Mario gains exciting new moves like cap throw, cap jump, and capture. Using the capture ability, Mario can control objects and enemies, adding a fresh twist to gameplay. Embark on adventures in stunning locales like New Donk City, packed with skyscrapers, and encounter familiar friends and foes. Your goal is to rescue Princess Peach from Bowser's clutches and thwart his dastardly wedding plans. At launch, three new amiibo figures featuring Mario, Princess Peach, and Bowser in wedding outfits will be available. Additionally, some previously released amiibo will be compatible with the game. By scanning supported amiibo, you can receive gameplay assistance and unlock costumes for Mario.